Monday, April 25, 2011

Native Son, Day 4&5 (pgs 97-156) Part 2

Communism: a system of social organization in which all economic and social activity is controlled by a totalitarian state dominated by a single and self-perpetuating political party. Everybody is equal. There is no segregation, no poor, and no rich. Ricard Wright is so fascinated with communism because he himself is black. His people were oppressed day and night. Blacks were socially contained to be lesser than whites, and in other words, if one was black then one's life was meaningless. Because of this inequality, Wright became attached to the idea of communism. A country without rich or poor. Everybody shared everything, meaning blacks would be on the same social standing as whites. If blacks were on the same social standing as whites, then there wouldn't be any segregation or oppression.

Bigger is actually more of a communist than he realizes. He actually does not understand what communism is, but only knows it is bad because other people say so. On page 115, it says, "He felt that one way to end fear and shame was to make all those black people act together. rule them, tell them what to do, and make them do it." That sounds a lot like communism, yet Bigger claims that communism is bad. Totalitarianism also appeals to him because he is fascinated with how Mussolini invaded Spain and how Hitler was killing the Jews. "He was not concerned with whether these acts were right or wrong; they simply appealed to him as possible avenues of escape" (Wright 115). Bigger only cares about how much power those dictators have in their hands, and he wants to have just as much power as they do, which essentially means he supports communism.

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